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When size matters! Small and robust power supply for medical technology and IT

When size matters! Small and robust power supply for medical technology and IT

The small 165.3 x 85.2 x 41mm AC/DC power supply unit in an aluminium chassis housing from Delta Electronics provides all the necessary safety approvals for medical (class BF) and other applications such as IT and measuring instruments. The MEB-500A24F is equipped with a coated printed circuit board for longevity, even in harsh environments. Low noise operation in the temperature range from -20°C to +70°C with integrated fan, which varies the speed depending on load and temperature. For system adaptations, the 24V at the output can be adjusted in the range 21.6V to 26.4V by means of a potentiometer. Additional 12V / 0.5A and 5V / 1A are available for device-side components such as fans or stand-by electronics. An input for ON/OFF remote control and a DC-Power Good output round off the performance.

Published: 12/13/2019

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